2019-2020 Section Report
The African-American Lawyers Section is proud to assist local African-American bar associations and Black Law Students Associations in providing legal education seminars, community service, and financial assistance. The section supported the J. L. Turner Legal Association Foundation Scholarship Gala (Dallas) and L. Clifford Davis Legal Association Gala (Fort Worth), which raised scholarships for minority law students. The section also granted sponsorship requests to Black Law Students Association chapters at Southern Methodist University, the University of Houston Law Center, South Texas College of Law Houston, Texas A&M University School of Law, and Thurgood Marshall School of Law, as well as the African Law Student Association at Thurgood Marshall School of Law, in order to support their programming, attendance at local, regional, and state conventions, and awarding of scholarships to their members.
The section hosted meet and greets across the state, including section members, local bar leaders, and area law students, in order to connect minority attorneys and law students and encourage involvement in local bar associations and the section. It also hosted a Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service in Houston. The section presented several virtual CLEs, granting over six hours of CLE. Section members receive a quarterly online newsletter.