Do you know an outstanding attorney? Nominate them for a Texas Bar Foundation Award!
Each year, Texas Bar Foundation honors those who exemplify the highest standards of the legal profession. The 2023 award recipients will be recognized at our Annual Dinner on Friday, June 23, 2023 in Austin.
Who is eligible?
Nominees do not need to be Fellows of the Foundation to be eligible for these awards. Nominations require a completed nomination form, the nominee's resume and between 3-5 letters of support. Visit for guidelines and the nomination form.
The Texas Bar Foundation award categories include the following:
Outstanding 50 Year Lawyer Award recognizes an attorney whose practice spans 50 years or more and adheres to the highest principles and traditions of the legal profession and service to the public. Nominees must have been engaged in the active practice of the law for a period of at least fifty years as of January 1st of the year of the award.
Dan Rugeley Price Memorial Award recognizes an attorney who is an accomplished legal writer and researcher.
Lola Wright Foundation Award is given to an attorney who exemplifies the highest standards of legal ethics.
Outstanding Law Review Article Award which honors a law review article published by one of the Texas law schools.
Ronald D. Secrest Outstanding Trial Lawyer Award is awarded to an attorney who has demonstrated high ethical and moral standards and has demonstrated exceptional professional conduct, thus enhancing the image of the trial lawyer.
Samuel Pessarra Outstanding Jurist Award is given to an active current Federal or State judge who has served on the bench for a minimum of 10 years and exhibits an exceptionally outstanding reputation for competency, efficiency, and integrity.
Gregory S. Coleman Outstanding Appellate Lawyer Award recognizes an attorney who exhibits an outstanding appellate practice and strong moral compass while maintaining a strong commitment to providing legal services for the underserved and mentoring of young lawyers.
Terry Lee Grantham Memorial Award is awarded to an accomplished, talented, and dedicated Texas lawyer who is a servant of the profession and a dedicated advocate.